About Us

The Genesis: At the heart of Propel lies the shared vision of Sarah and Andrés, who saw the potential for a transformative synergy between the rich knowledge base of the humanitarian and development sectors and the actual implementation and design of programmes. They embarked on a mission to build a bridge over the gaps separating experience from action, knowledge from application. Propel is the embodiment of that mission—a platform engineered to unite theory and practice, igniting a transformation in international development.

The Journey: Confronted with the sector-wide challenge of systematic learning, our co-founders were inspired to harness their deep expertise in organisational learning. They envisioned a tool that would empower development organisations to harness knowledge more effectively. Partnering with The Main Ingredient (TMI), known for their proficiency in impactful venture development, Propel transformed from a concept into a reality. Together, we've combined field expertise with state-of-the-art technology, creating a platform that enables development organisations to access and utilise a continuous flow of insights. Propel is designed to be more than just a learning tool; it's a catalyst for real-time, actionable knowledge that drives improvements in both current and future humanitarian and development efforts.

The Evolution: Having undergone rigorous piloting by international and local actors within the development and humanitarian spheres, Propel's initial vision has been honed through practical validation and tailored to meet diverse sector needs. Today, Propel stands as a powerful force for change, steering organisations towards a future where every project and policy is shaped by a legacy of learning—an endless cycle where knowledge is not just archived, but actively informs and improves the present and future.

Our Principles


At Propel, innovation is our driving force. It directs our view of challenges and motivates us to seek out unique, sustainable solutions. We're relentlessly pushing the boundaries of knowledge management and learning, pursuing inventive methods that support evidence-based decision-making, sector agility, and impactful outcomes.


Empathy guides every aspect of Propel. It's a fundamental part of our technological ethos and our collaborative spirit. We delve into the complex layers of humanitarian and development efforts, crafting a platform that honours the human element, values each voice, and cherishes every lesson.


Our promise extends beyond functionality—Propel is our commitment to meaningful progress. We gauge our success by the tangible benefits our platform provides—smarter efficiency, resource conservation, and a significant amplification of global development efforts.


Collaboration is the cornerstone of Propel. We believe in the collective power of shared knowledge to elevate success. Our platform is a space where learning is a shared endeavour, partnerships thrive, and Sustainable Development Goals are not just aspirational but attainable.

Our Team

Propel is powered by a team that's as diverse as it is driven, united by a common goal of enacting tangible change. We bring together the best of tech, humanitarian and development experience, and a relentless pursuit of innovation to drive forward our mission.

"International cooperation is and will be key to create a sustainable and equitable world. Genuine cooperation builds on the exchange of knowledge and learning from one another. Unfortunately, many development and and humanitarian organisations still struggle to manage their knowledge well and learn from it. I am continuously impressed by the work organisations deliver in the most difficult contexts. But at the same time, I am endlessly frustrated by the loss of knowledge and the resulting ineffectiveness in the sector. The way forward is to advance the development and humanitarian sector into one that has adaptive management and organisational learning at its core - Propel is the tool to get us there!"

Sarah Abdelatif

Co-Founder and CEO of Propel

"In my over a decade in international development, I've seen how crucial effective knowledge management is to magnifying our impact. This realisation led me to Propel. For me, Propel is more than a tool; it represents a vision where advanced learning meets the unique needs of our sector. Now, as the demand for data-driven decisions and continuous learning grows, Propel stands out as essential for impactful development work. It's not just about adapting to changes; it's about reshaping how we approach the complex landscape of development and humanitarian challenges. Propel signifies my commitment to transforming our learning journey into meaningful, sustainable impact."

Andrés Roure Cuzzoni

Co-founder and COO of Propel

Nikaj Wiggers

Tech Partner & Investor

Paul Reijnierse

Tech Partner & Investor

Advisory Board

In our mission, we are supported by a strong Advisory Board with experience in the international development sector as well as business development, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Sever Džigurski
Head of Secretariat Knowledge Platform Security & the Rule of Law
Lauren Leigh Hinthorne
Organisational Learning Advisor
Nino Bellengé

Committed to digital excellence

We adhere to the 9 Principles for Digital Development, which guide everything from our product design to our partnerships. By integrating these principles, we ensure that our services are both effective and responsible.

Here are nine ways we embody these principles:

1. Understanding the ecosystem: We tailor Propel to the unique operational frameworks of the non-profit sector, ensuring our solutions are adapted to their contexts and specific needs. Propel ensures that our solutions enhance local capacities without overwhelming existing technological infrastructures.

2. Designing with the user: Propel is consistently developed through a participatory design process, incorporating feedback directly from field workers and local NGOs. This ensures our solutions are not only theoretically sound but practically effective in diverse real-world applications.

3. Applying  absolute inclusion: Propel ensures that our technology is accessible to all, promoting equity and reducing barriers within the humanitarian and development sectors. Our platform enables users from different backgrounds to access and benefit from our technology equally.

4. Building for sustainability: Our solutions are built to be durable and adaptable over time, not just technologically but also economically and environmentally. This includes leveraging cloud technologies to minimise environmental impact and lower operational costs.

5. Creating open and transparent practices: We use open standards and source technologies to maintain transparency and build trust. We regularly publish updates about our methodologies and progress, and actively engage with the Tech4Good community to share insights and improvements.

6. Reusing and improving: At Propel we advocate for the improvement and reuse of digital solutions, streamlining processes and fostering innovation.

7. Being collaborative by choice: We have established a community of practice that is open to all organisations. This network collaborates on shared challenges, such as improving data-driven decision-making in under-resourced schools, fostering a richer ecosystem of ideas and solutions.

8. Establishing people first data practices: Our data practices prioritise user control and transparency, ensuring privacy and mutual benefits.

9. Anticipating and mitigating for zero harm: We proactively address potential risks associated with digital solutions, ensuring that our technology safeguards against harm to users and communities. This involves comprehensive risk assessments and implementing robust security measures to protect data and privacy.

Each principle is integral to how Propel operates, ensuring that our solutions are not only technologically advanced but also ethically grounded and socially responsible, aligning with global standards of digital development.

Do you share our vision of learning, knowledge, and impactful action?

We are looking for collaborators and partners who are as passionate about making a difference as we are. If you want to transform the humanitarian and development landscape with us, reach out. Let's propel together towards a future where every step we take is informed, impactful, and inspired by what we've learned.